Hope Conversations

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Photo by Mary Meirink

I shared this post on social media twice and quickly deleted each time. I was embarrassed and felt judged by voices from the past who thought that such thoughts were stupid and too childlike. Yet here I am; sixty years young and deciding to stand up to the accusations whether they be true or not. Truth be told, I like how I think. I get a kick out of ordinary moments that are anything but ordinary. I get excited when I see wildflowers in the middle of no where. I am in love with and grateful for moments like this 😊

Have you ever seen the sun say goodnight to the trees? I have.

I pulled off the road to drink in this moment of two toned trees of gold and green. Evening was announcing its time for rest. And the sun? well… she stooped over and stretched out a warm glowing blanket on top the trees that lined the street. They drifted to sleep beneath her cover. So sweet…

I did not watch her say goodnight to the rest of the world. I can only imagine what kind of beauty her sunset displayed. I was too busy noticing the simplicity of nature being kissed by the sun with full assurance. All would be well. It was safe to rest and simply be. The sun would definitely come out tomorrow. But as for now… It is time to sleep……….

Good night ♡
