The Greatest Gift

The greatest gift Jesus gave was His life. He did not just do that on the cross. He did that day in and day out. Regardless of whether he was; loved or hated, alone or in a crowd, working as a carpenter or standing in a pulpit, restoring dignity to a woman caught in adultery or having a conversation with a pharisee. The list is endless because Jesus gave His whole life. Day in & Day out. He loved so deeply that he was compelled to keep moving forward despite adversity.

I believe the greatest gift we can give is our life. Day in & Day out. A whole life that loves so deeply that we are compelled to keep moving, to keep forgiving, to keep hoping, to keep dreaming, and to keep sharing the goodness of God with those around us.

You and I have an incredible gift today. It is the gift of life, the greatest gift we can give!

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
— 1 John 3:16 NIV

Escape to Stillness


An Annoying Saturday Morning