Escape to Stillness

Photo by Mary Catherine Meirink

The photo above remains one of my favorite Autumn memories. It is obviously not because of spectacular imagery of trees letting go of their leafs one by one. It was a simple quiet moment while I was at October Fest in Hermann, MO surrounded by people... lots and lots of people. Don't get me wrong. I love people! There comes a time, though, when I need to step aside from blasting tubas, people shouting orders for bratwursts and sauerkraut, and strangers pressing close together. One way this introvert regroups while enjoying such festivities is by escaping for five to ten minutes with my camera to capture stillness in the middle of beautiful chaos. I then return to the crowd and might attempt to polka dance. In all truth telling, I will probably Not polka dance on the outside. I will, however, be dancing on the inside. Happy Autumn!


Owliver’s Photo Shoot


The Greatest Gift