Hope Conversations

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The Signature of God

Photo by Esther Weshel on Pexels

I’ve been on my front porch waiting for the appearance of visitors. They were busy elsewhere doing whatever it is they do in the early morning hours. That’s okay. I assumed it wasn’t meant to be. 

I let go of expectations

and leaned into the moment

of just me and God

and the cool breeze

filled with moisture from last night’s rain

along with cicadas whose chorus’ seldom hush

Unexpectedly she came

singing in the branches

dressed in her finest yellow head to toe

with just a bit of black on her wings

 Oh…. She was happy today

I cannot tell you how I know

but I know

from the song she sang

that reached my heart

She spread her wings


as a ballerina

in a curtain call

 Off the stage she flew

Twirling Quietly

Tiptoeing Silently

Happily through the air

All the while singing

 I held my breath

She flitted midair

and swirled

a most elegant

handwritten letter

to me

 I pause. I write.

 I relish the moment

 I breathe

And mostly

I rest

in the Signature of God

that appeared