Good News

The Lord builds up Jerusalem. He gathers the outcasts of Israel. He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds. Psalm 147:2-3

Oh what wonderful news! God is still in the business of building up people and establishing them in security where they have been torn! He is gathering people who have been cruelly thrust out and pushed down. He is ever present to heal brokenness as He gathers the un-gather-able fragments of shattered places that have been crushed. Last but not least… He binds up wounds as He wraps sorrows with His infinite care, boundless love, and comfort from His heart.

Oh, dear God! What good news! I can testify that our Lord has done so for me… and He is ever working to do so more and more.

Friends, I encourage you with all my heart and soul. Please invite the Lord’s goodness into your torn down places wherein you were cast out in such a way that it broke your heart and caused wounding. He is ever ready to minister resurrection life and to bring relief where you have been afflicted.

Then! Let’s take it one step further. What God does in us, He wants to do through us. We are His hands, His feet, His body. The world awaits with people in desperate need of a living God who cares. Let’s be vessels of His goodness. It is God who does this wonderful work. His presence through us makes all the difference.

Have a wonderful day!

Mary ♡


Quiet Before God


Opportunities to Bring Hope