Opportunities to Bring Hope

Your words have steadied those who stumbled. Job 4:4

Words are powerful! The verse above illustrates that our words are jammed packed with potential to steady people when they are stumbling. It might be likened to lending someone an arm when their steps are wobbly or the ground is uneven. Lending them support might keep them from falling or, at the least, lessen the impact of the fall.

Chances are… you might encounter people today who are stumbling in their faith, in their choices, and in their emotions. The list is endless, for we are not in Heaven yet. That is good news though! This means we have opportunity upon opportunity to bring hope to a hurting world. Today is your day to lend a caring arm for others to lean on… through the words you speak. It might be the very thing that gets them through another day with much needed oxygen in their soul.


Good News


Still the Storm