Moved By Compassion

Compassion does not have to be difficult. It does require us to be intentional.

For the record, I am far from perfect in what I am about to share. I hesitate because I am well aware of times when I have failed (and will fail) in this area. Nevertheless, I find this topic especially important. My prayer is that God will use this post to empower us to make a difference in our world.

As they were leaving Jericho, a large crowd followed Him. And there were two blind men sitting beside the road. When they heard that Jesus was passing by, they cried out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!” The crowd admonished them to be silent, but they cried out all the louder, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!” Jesus stopped and called them. “What do you want Me to do for you?” He asked. “Lord,” they answered, “let our eyes be opened.” Moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes, and at once they received their sight and followed Him. Matthew 20:29-34

Jesus stopped in his tracks when He heard the cries of two blind beggars. The lowest of the low let out their desperate plea.

Lord! Son of David! Have mercy on us!

Harsh commands in the crowd bellowed back. Stop Shouting. Be Quiet. Shut Up. Their needs were bothersome. disruptive. and unworthy compared to the needs of others. Nonetheless, they shouted all the more.

Lord! Son of David! Have mercy on us! 

The lowest of the low dared to believe that Jesus was different than the crowd who sought to silence them. They might not have been able to see Jesus with natural eyes, but wow! He Saw Them! Jesus approached them with utmost respect in mutual conversation.

What do you want me to do for you?

There was nothing beggarly in the beggar’s bold request. They did not beat around the bush. They did not apologize. They came right out with it.

Lord, we want to receive our sight.

Others might have turned a deaf ear, but not Jesus! Cries entered his heart, and it stirred up compassion that moved him into action.

Compassion is greater than mere human love. It is substance that flows from the very heart of God.

I am convinced. Compassion gets stirred inside us the same way it got stirred in Jesus. It gets stirred when we stop long enough to see others through the eyes of Christ. It gets stirred when we stop long enough to listen to their cries and enter into conversation. Oh.My.Goodness. What glorious moments there could be! If only we stop to see, listen, and respectfully communicate care.

Moving in the compassion of the Lord is not difficult. It does require us to be intentional to notice those around.

Romans 5:5 says, The love of God is shed abroad in our heart by the power of the Holy Ghost. It is time to yield to this love as we purposefully connect with those around.

Compassion changes lives! It certainly changed mine.

I am forever grateful.



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