Hope Conversations

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My Resting Place

Hope in God is a settled resting place of impending good. Despite difficulties, let downs, and sorrows, hope in God is a safe place to sit. It is comfort that supports and revives with Heavenly oxygen. I breathe in the breath of God and exhale concerns. This kind of hope is not man-ufactured. It is, however, something... or rather someOne... I can be completely honest with... someOne who knows what is going on inside me and is there to help.

This settled resting place of impending good has mystery to it. I know what I hope for, but I do not know how the goodness will appear. I do know the One from Whom my hope comes. He provides goodness that might look different than the goodness I expected, but it is still good and is in my best interest. So, I sit. I rest. I trust the One whom I love. He only has good plans for me... and You.