Hope Conversations

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Prayer in rumors of war

I remember waking up to news about war in Ukraine. My first response was to pray panic prayers. Thatโ€™s okay, because at least I was going to God with my concerns. In going to Him, my heart calmed with peace that passes understanding. I then shared the post below on social media to comfort others with the comfort I had received from God. Nowโ€ฆ I share with you, my Reader. May this peace be yours as you draw near to the Lord in whatever battle you are facing. Shalom

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Let's watch our minds and watch our hearts today. Pray. but not with rapid fire machine gun type praying. Letโ€™s pray. simply. quietly. and heart-ful-ly. Maybe pray without words, as our hearts cry out and calm in his presence. In times of wars and rumors of wars, our Lord is with us. I don't have answers. I don't have a fix-it-all solution. But I do know this! Our Lord will not forsake his people. Surely he is holding Ukraine and all involved close to his heart in this frightening sorrow. And surely he is here - with each of us - to hold - to comfort - and to tend. Lean into his everlasting arms. and breathe... Be still my soul and know. He.is.God.

May this song comfort you today. Peace in the Midst The Storm, sung by Kim Hopper.