A Parade in the Sky

Yes, I want to be a writer & Yes, I am a writer. Owning that is rather embarrassing. Still I write and dare to stretch and invite you into my process of thoughts and ponderings and wonderings and long unending sentences that are completely inappropriate! Ha. Still. I write. Whew. I think I will leave the honesty of all that right here. Perhaps…. We will see!

Here’s the deal. I was up early with coffee and prayer and flannel pajamas on my front porch. The wind was soaked with moisture that frizzled my hair. I.don’t.care.today. And that’s a good thing. The moment was too good to pass.

I tried to take a photo of the clouds overhead that just…kept...rolling… between the stars and me. For whatever reason, I could not get my camera to capture the breathtaking delight that filled my soul. I came inside to put it to words so I would always remember.

Welcome to a glimpse inside my heart that loves marching bands and parades, stars and clouds, wind and rain… all at the same time.

Catch ya later!

Mary…….. here goes

While you slept

there was a parade

way up in the sky.

Stars watched on one side


I on the other

as floating clouds rolled by

one after another

parading the street

that stood between

me and the stars

way up in the sky.

While you slumbered in your beds

cloud after cloud marched overhead.

The beat of a drum.

The flash of a light.

A thunderous marching band

was soon to be sight.

My heart raced and rested

and cheered and applauded

as stars watched on one side


I on the other.


Where Is God in The Stuttering?


Traveling Towards Somewhere