Hope Conversations

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Owliver’s Photo Shoot

Photos taken by Mary Catherine Meirink 2023

How incredible that this creature came for a half hour photo shoot! I would hardly believe it except I captured nearly 100 pictures to prove it. I thank God for a decent zoom where I can zero into the moment. Really... that's what I am doing as I wander with my head in the clouds or gaze into flowers below. I notice, really notice, details that I never would have noticed had I not intentionally set out to... notice... Oliver's long whispy eyelashes, smooth soft multicolored feathers, and yellow pointy beak. I could have called it quits and walked inside. I chose to stay and live in the moment. When I do that... really do that... it's like the whole world stops to notice with me. All my senses unconsciously and consciously engage with sunshine, brisk cool breezes (sometimes hot... oh well) You get it. I touch leaves and smell them (truly). The cares of life fade away, and I am deeply moved by the tender care of God both in his creation and in his delight to share it with me.