Mary Meirink Mary Meirink

Start with Me, Lord

This is not intended to be a political post. On the contrary, it is intended to step away from politics in order to look at the hearts and souls of people who profess to know God.

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Mary Meirink Mary Meirink

3 Amigos & A Bum Rap

The 3 amigos of faith, hope, and love cooperate beautifully. The body of Christ on earth does not always cooperate as as well, and I am definitely in the mix. We are all human. These are a few thoughts on Hope verses Faith. Oh… and Love 🙂

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Mary Meirink Mary Meirink

Retreat Memories

I share a journal entry in hopes in might inspire you to go on a retreat. Try it. You might like it!

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Mary Meirink Mary Meirink

Stick-Shift Prayer

Prayer was like trying to drive a car for the first time with a stick-shift. I was trying toooo hard

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Mary Meirink Mary Meirink

Song Bird

It is here that our song arises even as the dawn arises through the darkness of night.

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