Mary Meirink Mary Meirink


Igor got my attention in spite of me Not being a big fan of muscle ripped vein popping guys.

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Mary Meirink Mary Meirink

Hidden Treasure

I am collecting memories that help me breathe deeper and smile without trying 😊

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Mary Meirink Mary Meirink


Have you ever seen the sun say good night to the trees? I have.

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Mary Meirink Mary Meirink

It Wasn’t That Good

I remember the moment with a groan, a belly laugh, and a not-so-silent conversation with myself.

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Mary Meirink Mary Meirink

A Parade in the Sky

Welcome to a glimpse inside my heart that loves marching bands and parades, stars and clouds, wind and rain… all at the same time.

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Mary Meirink Mary Meirink

Thrift Store Angels

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2

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